Understanding Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life - a Higher Dimensional Perspective on an Ancient Wisdom Stream. - A brand-new completely visual publication. Browse through it at its website or get paper hard copies.

Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life

This sacred geometry fully illustrated book discusses a fabulous variety of enlightening topics associated with sacred geometry and the flower of life. http://Thesacredgeometryshop.com

Integrating the thoughts of logicians and researchers and magicians, it introduces a modern perspective on at the hermetic tradition of the importance of the fundamental forms to enlightening the global psyche and spirit.

Fully illuminated in imagery, every single section is delightfully composed, and a preliminary check out only taking pleasure in the imagery and designs will already inspire with far-reaching foundation principles. There is no advanced mathematics called for at all, and a secondary school degree of knowledge is the only thing that is called for to comprehend the important insights into the secrets of reality that are rendered effortlessly within reach here in this tome.

The book gets going with some background, and foundation ideas including clarity and the significance of curves and lines. It then expounds on the work of Buckminster Fuller in regard to the usefulness of triangular patterns to comprehending dynamics of systems of all kinds. From there the themes explored are as multi-dimensional as geography, culture, artistry, modern technology, well being, psychology, mythology, higher dimensional space, and a whole lot more.

By visiting the website you can browse the complete book online as it is beautifully showcased in a virtual flip book style. If you want to actually hold the book in your hands then it is very moderately priced at $24 including international shipping and handling.

We are at the transition of a modern century of digital marvels predicated on a much deeper comprehension of the quality of everything, and concurrently we recognise we may be about to obliterate life on Earth and everything which we delight in. The polarization of possible destinies has not been this overwhelming in humanity's memory. In a planet where a huge part of the global human population are occupied attempting to make it through another day, we are privileged to have an opportunity to meditate on greater matters. Throughout the writing of this booklet the author has questioned himself numerous times just what he absolutely believes regarding Sacred Geometry, and how this ancient tradition might be a power for making things better in this increasingly troubled world. What he imagined in his wildest visions, is that Sacred Geometry will become the archetypal greatest thing since rock 'n' roll. That society can discover within sacred geometry a secret to expediting the awakening of the human emotions and mind.

sacred geometry book


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